In recent years, there have been more and more traffic accident-related fatalities and accidents in India. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways’ data indicates that more than 4 lakh road accidents were reported in 2021, with around 1.5 lakh Indian nationals dying as a result. This figure reached an all-time high in India. The majority of these collisions were brought on by speeding and running red lights. The leading causes of these traffic accidents include disregard for traffic laws and poor driving habits. The circumstances call for the strict application of traffic laws, particularly traffic lights. 

Every junction and junction has a traffic signal to control the overall flow of traffic. Drivers are instructed to slow down and halt at the sign by the red traffic light. People are cautioned to move slowly in order to start or stop their vehicle when the yellow light is on. However, it is only when the traffic light is green that vehicles can move forward and pass past a stop sign. 

To prevent receiving a severe penalty, make sure you constantly abide by the traffic signals and road safety regulations.

Red Light Jumping Challan- Overview

Whether you are driving a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler, the fine for running a red light is the same for all vehicles. The regulation is not restricted to a particular kind of vehicle.

A fine for breaking a traffic law is required in cases where someone runs a red light signal. A red light jump challan for Rs. 1,000 would be given to the defaulter for disobeying the traffic signal. Prior to the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988’s revision, the fine for running a red light ranged from about Rs. 100 to 300, but it has since been raised.

Challan for Jumping Red Light- Fine for Signal Jumping

Jumping a red light is a serious infraction that can result in tragic incidents. Never, under any circumstances, ignore a red light. 

The traffic police officer will stop your car and want to view all of your necessary paperwork, such as your driver’s license, insurance documents, PUC certificate, and RC book if they catch you running a red light.  

The traffic police officer will then either offline (via the challan receipt) or online give you a challan for jumping a red light.

Modern traffic lights have cameras that the traffic police continuously monitor from the traffic control room, thanks to digitization and advanced technology. An e-challan will be issued to you and sent to your registered mobile phone RMN if the camera catches you running a red light.

Also Check – Karnataka Traffic Police Challan Rates List 2023 – RTO Fine

Fine/Penalty for Jumping a Red Light Signal in Different States

States/UT Fines (in Rupees)
Delhi ₹ 1000
Uttar Pradesh ₹ 300-500
Punjab ₹ 500- 1000
Andhra Pradesh ₹ 1000
Karnataka ₹ 500
Haryana ₹ 5000
Maharashtra ₹ 200
Telangana ₹ 500
West Bengal ₹ 100
Chandigarh ₹ 5000

How to pay Red Light Challan in India?

In India, the payment for a red light jump challan can be made either through online or offline modes of payment.

For Online Payment-

Visit the website of the State Transport Department.

Locate and click on the section labelled “Challan or Traffic Violation Payment” on the dashboard.

Enter either the Vehicle Number or the Challan Number to continue with the fine payment.

Examine the challan information, then decide on a payment method (debit or credit card).

Make the required payment on the challan, then save or print the receipt for your records.

For Offline Payment-

Visit the traffic police station that is nearest to you.

Ask for the information on your traffic challan at the payment counter.

Pay the challan with cash, a credit card, or another method of payment.

Gather the payment receipt and save it safely on your person for future use.


By paying attention to road safety regulations and guidelines, you can always avoid receiving a traffic ticket. At all costs, one should abstain from speeding, reckless driving, and running red lights, especially when they are close to a road intersection. In addition to disobeying the traffic signal, there is a reasonable probability that you will strike other cars travelling oppositely.

Therefore, it is necessary to observe traffic signals and adjust vehicle speed accordingly attentively. Regular maintenance is essential to prevent catastrophic loss of control and other unexpected accidents.

By Tarun Saini

I'm Tarun Saini, a SEO Expert with 11+ years of experience. I help businesses create or revise their SEO plan, implement it and monitor results.

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